Steps to reset forgot password
InventoryPlus help you to reset the password in case if you forgot the old password. Default password is always user name: admin and password is 1
- Run the InventoryPlus will ask for credential.
- Click on “Forgot password” link on login screen will open the reset forgot password window as shown below.
- Enter the user name you want to reset.
- Enter the security questions and answer. (Always 1st security question and answer for question security question is “inventoryplus”, 2nd security question and answer is “admin”)
- Click on Validate button to verify entered security answers are correct.
- If Security question and answers matches then Save button will be enabled.
- Enter Password and Confirm password exactly.
- Click on Save button to Reset the Password.
- If Password resets then window will close and login to software with new password.
Make sure always update the default password security question using Manager user screen for all users. There is a risk if you forget to reset the default security question provided by inventoryplus, so any one who know the inventoryplus able to reset the password if you failed to reset the default security questions.
In case if you forgot the security question and answer then please contact the support team at support at invenotryplus dot in, Support team will assisite you to get the credential back.